Game Jam

Where imagination meets interactivity, creating worlds where dreams become play.

This event includes a hands-on workshop where you will learn all the necessary skills to participate in the contest.
Team Event
Eligibility: II, III Years (CSE & CSD).

Team Size:
  • Teams must consist of a minimum of 2 participants and a maximum of 3 participants.
  • All team members must be from the same year.

ROUND 1: Selection Round
  • In this round, participants will be asked to solve logical puzzles and answer basic game development related questions.

ROUND 2: Final Round
  • The team will be given a story to build a game.
  • This event will be a one day event.
  • The game can be developed using any language or framework.
  • The judgement will consist of various factors and there will be 3 judging rounds.
    • Round 1: How far is the game developed ?
    • Round 2: Creativity and uniqueness in the game.
    • Round 3: Game Demo and Presentation.